Silent City is on sale today

It’s official: Silent City is on sale today from Codorus Press! We had an epic launch party at The Mysterious Bookshop last Thursday – I read a bit from the book, talked to friends new and old and got to sign plenty of copies. A great time, and definitely...

More praise for SILENT CITY and a look at the cover

I’ve been blown away by all the nice things people have had to say about my first crime novel, Silent City. Even happier to say we’ve got a few more great advance blurbs to share. Codorus Press has been great about messaging out some of the wonderful plugs...

So, I wrote a crime novel

And it just got announced today. To say I’m excited is an understatement – this is  something I’ve been working on for years and I’m really humbled, grateful and excited that it’ll be hitting shelves in October. You can get all the formal...