Oh, hello there!
I’ve been remiss in updating this newsletter – April and May were extremely hectic months that included an apartment move, an office move, three weeks of jury duty,BEA and a bunch of other stuff. And hey, look – San Diego Comic Con is almost upon us. Yikes.
I’m going to do my best to keep this newsletter lean and mean – ideally anchored with some new content or context, plus a few links of note that have caught my over the preceding week. Yeah, let’s try that.
But first, to clear the decks…
Dave White is a friend of mine. He’s also published by Polis Books, who will publish two of my Pete Fernandez novels next year. With all that disclaimer stuff out of the way, I can say I’m a big fan of Dave’s Jackson Donne PI series. The latest installment, Not Even Past, hit this year to solid reviews and response. It reintroduced fans to Jackson and yanked him out of early retirement. I chatted with Dave a bit about the book, his influences and more.
Dave, what are you reading these days?
You lucky dog. I’m looking forward to Winslow, too. Your most recent Jackson Donne novel, Not Even Past, came out recently. For someone who hasn’t read the first few, how would you describe this book?
Who is Jackson Donne?
What were some of the influences that played a part in creating the character?
Are you a movie buff? Watch much TV? What are some of the other media you ingest that might influence your writing somewhat?
You’re in for a treat with The Americans. Seriously. Moving on – you took a long break from writing, right? Can you tell me a bit about that? What brought you back?
How’s the publishing world changed since the last Jackson book came out?
What are the ingredients of a great novel?

What’s next for you and Jackson?
A few thoughts on a few shows I’ve been watching:
Daredevil: I think it has really slow periods, and some of the scenes (especially in the last third of the season) drag a bit, but overall it’s a great comic book adaptation and a pretty good show overall. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, and it drove me to re-read a huge chunk of Daredevil comics – from Miller’s first run up to the current Waid/Samnee stuff. I’m looking forward to another season.
Bloodline: I’m six episodes in and curious to see how the various plots wrap up – also wondering why it’s not getting the same acclaim shows like Fargo and True Detective got. Perhaps because it was all available at once?
Mad Men: “It’s the emptiest and yet the fullest of all human messages: ‘Good-bye.”
Also been keeping up with Broad City and Louie‘s new season.
In terms of podcasts, I’ve been enjoying Death, Sex and Money, Marc Maron‘s recent interviews with David Byrne and Kim Gordon (which spurred me to read her honest and un-rock memoir Girl in a Band…not surprisingly, I’ve been listening to a ton of Sonic Youth), and the new season of You Must Remember This, which focuses on Charles Manson. Oh, and this episode of Radiolab, spotlighting Cuban punks, was excellent.
Books I’m looking forward to: Winslow’s The Cartel, Neely Tucker’s Murder, D.C., Karolina Waclawiak’s The Invaders (spotlighted recently by The L.A. Times!) and Chris Holm’s The Killing Kind. Was able to snag the latter at BEA last week. But the best part was hanging with my pal Holm himself – and some other dude. Photo by the awesome Erin Mitchell!
It was Matt Bai’s great New York Times Magazine piece on Gary Hart that clued me into his book on the same subject, All the Truth is Out: The Week Politics Went Tabloid. I’ve always found Hart to be an interesting character – perhaps overly-penalized for being the first politician marred by sex scandal in the press, forced to live out the rest of his years grasping for some kind of recognition or elder statesman status. Hart’s also interesting because he’s extremely smart and forward-thinking, but forever defeated by his own ego and hubris. I’m curious to see how his protege Martin O’Malley does against Clinton, though I think whatever spoiler role he was aiming for has been stolen by Bernie Sanders.
The book itself is smart, well-researched and dogged in its examination of Hart not only as an interesting political figure, but as someone caught in the eye of a cultural storm/shift – one that saw the line between political and tabloid reporting forever obliterated.
I read a short story at Noir at the Bar: New Brunswick last month – thanks to Jen Conley for coordinating and hosting a great event.
A short interview with me on the comics I edit.
I have a sci-fi story in this anthology, co-written with my friend, Justin Aclin.
In other writing news, I’m into revisions of the third Pete Fernandez book, Dangerous Ends. I also just finished a few short story drafts – one a revision, two first passes. So, we’ll see where those end up.
I share a few thoughts on collaborating with others at Do Some Damage.
Jami Attenberg on how 15 minutes of “going viral” did zilch for her book sales.
Laura Lippman reviews the new Stephen King novel, Finders Keepers.
Mike Dawson sums up my views on being vegan in this comic strip.
Loved New Tropic’s look at Westchester, my hometown in Miami.
Congrats, Sarah Weinman!
How Chester Himes invented noir.
My favorite comic book coming out now is The Fade Out, by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. This interview with Brubaker, discussing his reasons for not working on corporate comics is a bit dusty, but enjoyable nonetheless.
Cate Dicharry chronicles her first-ever book tour.
How did I not know Luna was reuniting?
A nice “Florida crime novels” roundup.
Robert B. Parker’s Spenser novels were a big blind spot for me in terms of P.I. fiction – which I’m hoping to remedy now. Started The Godwulf Manuscript this week. More TK.
PJ Harvey is your picture of the week. Go listen to Dry: