Mar 28, 2015 | Blog, newsletter
An earlier draft of this newsletter started with a long vent about air travel, but I figured I’d spare you. The last week has been busy and I’ve felt all over the place and not fully able to do all the things I wanted or committed to doing, but such is...
Mar 20, 2015 | Blog, newsletter
I’m late in terms of The Jinx. I was deep into a first draft of the third Pete Fernandez book (just finished!), plus Day Job Stuff, Secret Comic Book Writing and Life. Still, we managed to mainline the six-episode HBO documentary shortly after the finale, which...
Mar 7, 2015 | Blog, newsletter
Last week was busy. It saw the release of THE BLACK HOOD #1 and the announcement of my deal with Polis Books, which signals the re-release of Silent City next year along with two sequels, Down the Darkest Street and Dangerous Ends, all starring reluctant Miami...
Feb 28, 2015 | Blog, newsletter
Before I dive into our regularly scheduled newsletter stuff, a quick headline… I’m very excited to announce that I’ve signed a three-book deal with Polis Books! The news hit today via Publishers Weekly (also in print on Monday), and I couldn’t be happier. The...
Feb 15, 2015 | Blog, newsletter
I was shocked and saddened to hear about David Carr’s death late Thursday. I didn’t know the man, aside from perhaps an email or two I’d sent, thanking him for his addiction memoir, The Night of the Gun. It’s an incredible piece of work –...
Feb 7, 2015 | Blog, newsletter
Hi. Welcome back. It’s been a hectic, all over the place week – featuring the first cold of the year! – so I think that’ll be reflected in the below. Before I dive into what I’m currently reading, I should note that I finished Paula...