Segura’s much loved and acclaimed Pete Fernandez series comes to a close this summer with a new installment that finds Pete living a relatively stable life, running a bookshop in Miami and sleuthing by night. The appearance of a Cuban gangster disrupts the calm, as...
Alex in The Big Thrill
Alex is featured on the cover of this month's edition of International Thriller Writers Organization's THE BIG THRILL, as part of an interview discussing MIAMI MIDNIGHT, the Pete series, and inverting PI genre tropes. Click here to read the article
Alafair Burke’s Favorite Beach Reads
MIAMI MIDNIGHT on superstar author Alafair Burke's list of Favorite Beach Reads! Click here to see the list
Entertainment Weekly on MIAMI MIDNIGHT
Segura wraps up his hit Pete Fernandez saga in style with this twisty, surprising conclusion. Click here to read "20 new books to read in August"
Alex in The New Tropic
Alex is in The New Tropic, talking about MIAMI MIDNIGHT, portraying Miami in his fiction and more. Click here to read the article
Los Angles Times on MIAMI MIDNIGHT
Comic book writer and novelist Segura’s latest novel is the fifth and final installment in his series of thrillers featuring private investigator Pete Fernandez. Click here to read "7 highly anticipated books to get you through the dog days of August"
Alex on Spider-Man and Pete
I was putting the finishing touches on Miami Midnight, my fifth — and, for now, final — Pete Fernandez Mystery novel. I’d put Pete through the ringer more than once, and it was time for things to wind down. I’d accomplished what I set out to do with the series — to...
BookRiot’s 50 Must-Reads
From one of the very best crime writers working today, Alex Segura crafts an epic novel of mystery, humanity, and suspense while bringing to a stunning conclusion the acclaimed series that reinvented the private eye novel for a new generation. Click here for the whole...
SheReads on Pete Fernandez
Segura’s mysteries are a ton of fun to read and will keep readers guessing until the very end. Click here to read the list of best mystery series
Alex on WLRN
For the monthly book club discussion, Sundial gathered a panel of local authors to talk about [Charles] Willeford, his legacy and influence in the crime genre. Click here to listen to the segment