Movies: Tiny Furniture

I should preface this post by saying I haven't seen an episode of HBO's Girls. I want to, but we gave up on cable a few months ago. Anyway, haven't seen it. So, I went into Tiny Furniture with no real expectations beyond the tidal wave of press and reviews Girls got...

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What I’m Reading: James Crumley’s The Last Good Kiss

I first started reading this book about a year and a half ago, based on my friend Connie's recommendation. I think I was a little fried on mysteries at that point (if you can believe it) - having just read a stack of Henning Mankell's Wallander books - so the first 20...

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A quick Silent City update

For the handful of you who know me, either in real life or through Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, etc., you know I've finished a crime novel set in Miami -- Silent City. I've been tweeting, talking and answering questions about it for what feels like an eternity. Since I...

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