For the handful of you who know me, either in real life or through Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, etc., you know I’ve finished a crime novel set in Miami — Silent City. I’ve been tweeting, talking and answering questions about it for what feels like an eternity. Since I first mentioned it, I’ve written another novel manuscript, Down the Darkest Street, and gotten about 12,000 words into a third. I even made a “soundtrack” CD for Silent City back in August…of 2010.
So, what’s the deal with Silent City?
Well, as you’ve probably noticed, the publishing landscape is changing rapidly. Two years ago, when I began the process of querying agents to potentially represent Silent City to publishers, self-publishing didn’t seem like much of an option to me. Now, it’s a very serious option. So, while I can’t say definitively what’s going to happen with Silent City, I can say that I’m keeping my options open and that I’m working toward something happening in the next few months.
I’m currently running on two tracks with Silent City. On one, I’m continuing to query agents in the hopes of getting a traditional, mutually-beneficial publishing deal. On the other, I’m putting pieces in place to make sure Silent City comes out (in print and as an ebook) next year.
So, to answer your question, Internet – stay tuned.